A Catechism of the Catholic Church
An audio version of a Catechism of the Catholic Church
A statement with the purpose of clearly defining the actual position of why we believe the Seat of Peter is vacant.
Here you will find answers to some of the common objections that some cite when denying that the Seat of Peter is currently vacant.
The very men who appear to possess authority in the Church teach errors and impose harmful laws. How reconcile this with infallibility?
809 page exhaustively researched book employing all available primary documents. It comprehensively explains the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the Second Vatican Council. The influences of Modernism, Freemasonry and Communism were fermenting beneath the surface long before the convocation of Vatican II.
Morning prayers, night prayers, and miscellaneous Catholic prayers.
Fr. Cekada's primer to the basics.
Novus Ordo Watch is a lay-led internet apostolate whose primary goal is to educate the public about the true Roman Catholic religion and the institution we refer to as the “Novus Ordo Sect” (or “Vatican II Sect”), a Neo-Modernist sect which falsely claims to be the Roman Catholic Church and has illegitimately occupied the official Catholic structures in the Vatican and throughout the world since its de facto founding by Cardinal Angelo Roncalli after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
Christ or Chaos has been dedicated from its outset to the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the restoration of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition as the fruit of the end of the era of apostasy and betrayal in which we find ourselves at the present time.
Know the faith in order to keep the faith.
True Restoration is a clerically-advised, member-supported, lay-founded Roman Catholic apostolate.
Making explicit the theological, liturgical, and pastoral principles which guide all of our actions.
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